Dryland Surgery

1 Field Street, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 8JZ

Average review score of 4.1 from 7 customer reviews

"Been with this surgery my whole life and it used to be a really good one. Over the last couple of years it's just got worse and worse.
Having to book to see the nurse is ridiculous. No walk ins at all and no appointments in advance!!!!
I currently have a sick baby who needs to see someone ASAP. After my calls were hung up multiple times they finally answer and tell me to phone back later and *hope* there are available appointments. She is a vulnerable baby due to only weighing 3lb at birth and having lots of complications.
My biggest complaint is that the gp I have seen my whole life has let me down horrendously. While in NICU with my baby a breastfeeding specialist prescribed a medication that helped with my flow of milk (I have a medical condition meaning I can't produce enough milk) The medication was the only thing keeping my milk in. After leaving the hospital the repeat prescription was passed to my GP. He called me to speak to me about it and told me he didn't believe the medication worked. I assured him it was working and he agreed to issue the repeat prescription. When my daughter was about 4 months old I went to pick up my tablets and was told the GP had blocked the prescription. When I called him he said he would no longer give me the medication as he still didn't believe it worked. My milk was gone withing 3 days and I was FORCED to give up breast feeding.
I'll never forgive him, she's my last child and breastfeeding was very important to me. It had been a really long hard road trying to establish feeding with a tiny poorly baby in NICU and I'm absolutely astonished a Dr (who is not even close to being a specialist in that particular field) can make such a ridiculous call and overrule the advice from the hospital specialist!"
Anonymous, 21st December 2018


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