Goodrest Croft Surgery

1 Goodrest Croft, Yardley Wood, Birmingham, West Midlands, B14 4JU

Average review score of 3.9 from 16 customer reviews

"I had a camera test on 22.11.18 in QE after my doctor referred me for this urgent investigation. A letter dated 27.11.18 from the surgery asked me to make a non urgent appointment to discuss my results. I asked for a doctor to discus these with me over the telephone as I am working and could only attend the clinic after 4pm. I am still waiting and being told by the reception that the earliest appointment (even telephone one) I can get is on 11th jan 2019.
it is very disappointing that for an urgent investigation the hospital could give me an appointment within two weeks but my surgery is taking more than a month to communicate the results to me.
The doctors are very good and caring but getting an appointment is increasingly becoming a problem."
Anonymous, 21st December 2018


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