Melbourne Grove Medical Practice

Melbourne Grove, London, Greater London, SE22 8QN

Average review score of 4.2 from 12 customer reviews

"I visited the surgery 3rd of January to pay for a letter that states I am fit to return back to university as I am an adult nursing student who just had a baby. I was told by the receptionist it takes 21 working days which I agreed on as my clinical placement do not start until 4th of Feb. 21 working days past and I was expecting someone to contact me that my letter is ready, no one did. I called the surgery they the receptionist told me it was not done yet, However she said she was going to write it and get the Dr to sign, I agreed because all i wanted was a letter. I called back the next day, I was told the Dr had not sign as there was no Permanent Dr only a Locum Dr. She then said one of there permanent Dr is on duty she will tell the Dr to sign it, that I should call back 4pm that day which I did, she had gone home and no one could help me.

I am very furious because Today I an due to start my clinical placement, and I cant start without the letter. I am missing out on hours already, I have a new born to look after the least I need now is things not going according to plan and having to make up time.

I went into the gp surgery physically to see them; no one could help, I was told only the adminstrative lady could, that I should come bk at 11am. I called at 11am now they telling me the lady will now be in 2pm!

This is delaying someones future all I need is a signed letter saying i am fit to continue my nursing programme for crying out loud!!!"
Anonymous, 4th February 2019


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