The Arnewood Practice Milton Medical Cen

Avenue Road, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 5JP

Average review score of 4.1 from 5 customer reviews

"What a terrible service, over 25 minutes to answer the phone only to find out that I'd have to wait 7 days for an appointment which is 8 miles away.

It would be nice to have another receptionist or answerphone service for people who don't have 30 minutes to spare at 8am in the Morning, targets should be 5 minutes or less, the Online Service is a second rate service.

The local Practice is no longer local, I don't drive so have to arrange a 16 mile round trip to a Hospital in Lymington at cost for a 5 minute appointment, so much for the carbon footprint.

Apparently Council Tax contributes towards GP Surgeries, I wonder if I can get a refund !

It would be a lot closer to visit at Highcliffe or Christchurch Surgeries.

I will be writing to my Councillor etc to waste a bit more of my time."
Disgruntled, 28th August 2018


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