PPCA Acute Visiting Service

Cosham Park House Surgery, Cosham Park Avenue, Portsmouth, PO6 3BG

Average review score of 4.8 from 659 customer reviews

"Doctor knew what I needed, sent prescription to chemist, received it next day."
Beryl R, 18th December 2024


Portsmouth Primary Care Alliance Ltd (PPCA) – Working together in and around the cityPPCA is made up of a group of GP practices working together in and around the city. All practices are independent contractors, but aim to work collaboratively to improve healthcare for all patients living within our catchment area. Our aim is to support primary care with the the delivery of high quality services to our local communityVisionHigh quality primary care with general practice at the centre of effective, meaningful health systems.Looking to work collaboratively to improve patient care and local service provision by supporting the work of primary and community careAimsPPCA supports the delivery of General Practice and aims to work with its member practices to offer primary care based services in an innovative and thoughtful way to enhance health care provision for our local community. We support quality improvement and the delivery of ‘best practice’ for all.PPCA aims to enable General Practice in Portsmouth as an Alliance, to tender for and deliver health care services above and beyond traditional provision.PPCA aims to improve the quality of care to patients in Portsmouth by offering caring, safe, responsive, well led, effective services where patients are involved in decision making about their own care.PPCA aims to enable the appropriate transfer of care away from the hospital setting into the community, with primary care at the core.

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How to find PPCA Acute Visiting Service

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